Third Quarter 2017

“Your righteousness reaches to the skies, O God, you who have done great things. Who, O God, is like you?”(Psalm 71:19)

When we look back at the past three months, we have to agree whole-heartedly with this verse. The Lord truly has done great things and we stand in awe of Him.

Spring went by so fast, and the busyness of translating, writing, traveling and singing continued as we headed into summer. With the commitment to write two devotionals per week, and with plans to have Sunday School materials available by winter, we have been very busy, not to mention the traveling and singing that we do on an ongoing basis.

We spent one week on the road in southern Alberta in July, with great attendance and wonderful responses from the people. Then we changed gears for Jason & Teya’s wedding in August. And before we knew it, September was here and off we went to Mexico.

Nettie and I attended the Low German media conference in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, Mexico. It was good to be there and be reminded again of the great need for Low German resources and how we can and are making a difference. At this conference we met many new people also passionately working to provide resources for our Low German people. We also learned a lot. The topics that were covered included international copyright laws and agreements, and introduction to producing videos, recorded music and radio programs. We were inspired to do more.

After the conference,Andrew and Deanna joined us for two weeks of music ministry throughout the Mennonite colonies scattered all over Mexico. We presented 11 music programs in many different locations from Oasis, to Cuauhtémoc, to Santa Rita, to Durango, and La Honda, etc.We also did one Sunday morning service with singing and preaching, as well as a full day of preaching, singing, children’s feature, and sharing at an all-day gospel festival.For many of the Low German people, this was a first as far as Low German music is concerned. Many had never seen this type of thing before and were so touched by the Gospel through music in their heart language. It was good to see lives changed as a result. God is great and He has done marvelous things. We give all praise to Him.Already we have been asked about going back.

Back home, we continue to work on two devotionals every week. We are very close to publishing the second book of our devotional series. As well, we are just about ready to start printing Sunday School materials in Low German for preschoolers. Besides all this, we continue to travel and sing, and write/translate more songs for a new CD, as well as continuing to develop materials for radio.

We are very excited about Andrew & Deanna going into full time Low German ministry (partnering with us), specifically with youth and young adults in mind. We look forward to seeing how God will do amazing things through them to reach the young people for Jesus Christ.

The work never ends, and as long as God gives breath and energy, we will keep on praying and working to bring the Low German Mennonites the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their own heart language. We pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth more workers to bring the harvest in, till everyone knows Jesus personally as Lord and Savior. All praise to Him.

In His service, Diedrich & Nettie and family

Praise for:
1) A very good Low German Media Conference, where many new contacts and connections were made, and we were inspired and encouraged.
2) A wonderful tour through Mexico.
3) Lives changed and commitments made to God.
4) A loving, supportive family which continues to help out as much as possible.
5) New vision and focus.

Pray for:
1) Andrew and Deanna as they step into full-time ministry, partnering with us to produce music and materials for our Low German brothers and sisters.
2) Adequate financial support for Andrew and Deanna.
3) Continued safety in all our travels.
4) Energy to keep up with our schedule.
5) Protection from spiritual attack.

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